Living with Disability TALKS Discussion Guide

In the TALKS series, Living with Disability, we provided community partners with an understanding of living with disability from the perspective of those who know it best: a parent of children with disabilities; a sibling of a person with disabilities; a person living with disability his entire life; a person with an acquired disability. We’d like to introduce you to the accompanying TOOL, Living with Disability Train-the-Trainer guide to promote a better understanding of living with a disability through step-by-step instructions that assure you are confident in conducting the training and leading a discussion. Together we can improve understanding of the need for more inclusion and acceptance of people with disabilities and their families in all areas of community life!

Download the Living with Disability Train-the-Trainer Guide

This guide can be used via the online platform it’s hosted on or can be directly downloaded from the platform.

Cover page of the living with disability TALKS discussion guide