Living with Disability

Pictured are 2 women and 2 men smiling at the camera.
Nearly 13% of the 2016 US population had a disability….that made us wonder about Living with Disability. This 5-part video series is designed to provide community partners with an understanding of living with disability from the perspective of those who know it best: a parent of children with disabilities; a sibling of a person with disabilities; a person living with disability his entire life; a person with an acquired disability. Consider also using the accompanying Living with Disability Train-the-Trainer guide to promoting a better understanding of living with a disability through step-by-step instructions that assure you are confident in conducting the training and leading a discussion. Together we can improve understanding of the need for more inclusion and acceptance of people with disabilities and their families in all areas of community life.

How do you live with disability? Part 1 of Living with Disability introduces you to four individuals who experience disability from different perspectives: a parent, a sibling, a person with a lifelong disability, and a person with an acquired disability. Disability is more common than we think.

What have you learned? Part 2 of Living with Disability offers different perspectives of what living with disability can teach us. Living with disability deeply impacts many of us.

What is the easiest thing? Part 3 of Living with Disability features people who come to living with disability from different perspectives talking about what is easy about their lives. “Easy” about living with disability… a unique perspective!

What is the hardest thing? Part 4 of Living with Disability offers an insight into challenges that many of us, regardless of our relationship with disability, live with each day, reminding us of how much we all have in common, regardless of dis/ability.

What would make it easier? Part 5 of Living with Disability offers insights into what would make life easier. Can’t we all identify with the desire for a better quality of life?