About Us

THINK+change, created in 2017, is The Arc of Aurora’s social enterprise that strives to change knowledge, attitude, and behavior through original content to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities through training and education. Our educational products are convenient and contemporary and meant to be used by ANYONE because we all have a connection to disability in some way, shape, or form! What is the best part you ask? Nearly 100% are available to YOU at no cost thanks to our community partners.

So, let’s get you started! What are you interested in?

TALKS – Mini-documentary storytelling series

TRAININGS – Online courses, podcasts (audio)/vodcasts (video), and microlearning

TOOLS – downloadable and orderable products to reinforce learning

Learn how/why to use our educational products by enrolling in the free online course Cultivate learning that advances everyone; people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and you.