Special Education Services: IEP vs. 504 Plans

This 3-part recorded vodcast (video) and podcast (audio) series help you understand the basics about IEPs, 504s, how to navigate common challenges, build solutions, and also features the perspective of a special education lawyer. Children with disabilities and their families may face unexpected obstacles in the school setting for various reasons. Parents, educators, and those that support children with disabilities in school need to be familiar with laws that protect students with disabilities. This series helps you learn how to address those issues while also evaluating future supports you and/or your child might need. Educational plans such as the IEP and 504 help to ensure unique needs are fulfilled, accommodated, and ultimately support you in advocating for your family and child.
Receiving a free and appropriate education is not only possible for children with disabilities; it is their right!
Watch the videos below for the vodcast series or scroll down to the bottom of the page to listen to the podcast series. Podcasts are also available Spreaker, Itunes, iHeartRadio, or Spotify
- Episode 1: IEP vs. 504, an overview – reviews what an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 are, the differences between an IEP and 504 plan, and future planning.
Episode 2: IEP vs 504, what are the common issues and solutions? This episode reviews how to request an IEP or 504, Disability Type: Medical vs. Educational Diagnosis, IEP goal changes as the child ages, Extended School Year (ESY); Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), and Accommodations. Resource mentioned in this episode: https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/asd_guidelines
Episode 3: A special education attorney perspective with special guest Dr. Jacque Phillips, Esq. – Dr. Jacque Phillips, Esq. is a special education lawyer that promotes justice in education throughout the Denver Metro Area, nationally and internationally. She has 10+ years in special education law and has a doctorate in special education. This interview reviews what parental rights are, when it’s useful to get an attorney, and the pros and cons of getting an attorney involved.