Police Interaction Readiness: A Microlearning Series

Have you ever been worried about what will happen during a police response when it comes to you or someone you know with an intellectual or developmental disability? These three (3) short training videos aim to help you keep you and your loved ones safe, help the police do their job safely, and reduce anxiety about interactions.

These trainings feature real police officers and actors from the IDD community!

Did you know that we also offer training to help police assist people with IDD? Check out the Microlearning series: https://thinkchange.training/communication-citizens-idd-online-series/

All videos are in English and offer English Closed Captioning and Spanish subtitles.

Emergency Response Options – A guide for caregivers and people with IDD on options have when you need to call in professionals to help you with a crisis. This short training covers:
– Local options for low and elevated risk crises
– Alternative options for police response
– Examples you can use to advocate for response options in your area

Know your Rights, a Plain-Language Guide – to help people with IDD understand their rights and how to use them when talking to the police. This short training covers:
– The job of a police officer
– Why should you understand your rights?
– Right to remain silent
– Right against unreasonable searches and seizures
– Right to a lawyer
– How to use these rights

Police Interaction Safety, a Plain-Language Guide – to help people with IDD know how to keep themselves and police safe during an interaction. This short training covers:
– What to expect from a police officer
– Dos and Don’ts to keep everyone safe
– Arrest demonstration
– Tips and resources to help you communicate

Acting Credits:

– Narrator – Phillip Lomeo

– Law Enforcement – Officers Matthew Alcorta and Juan Ramirez

– Caregiver – Becky Bowar

– Community Members – Briana Peterkin and Keith Zambo

This Microlearning series was made possible through support from Autism Society of CO, Colorado District Attorney’s Council, Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council, Developmental Pathways, and The Arc of Aurora